Tuesday, July 29, 2008

2 kids and a gun

For those of you that don't know the greatest news ever, my sister is getting married in January. Her dear fiance did not propose until last week, leaving 2 short weeks left of her summer vacation to scramble to do stuff! We have done a good bit (Oh, so much more to get done...) but she has tried to get her registering done this week. She did 2 places herself, but today we tackled Target with Tyler and Emily in tow. Besides the annoyingly loud sighs from Tyler every time we went down another aisle, it was fun. Tyler and Emily loved the scanning gun and would have registered for some good stuff if they had not been monitored. Emily could not understand why Becky did not want the glitter filled froggy tumblers.

On another note, I am in love with a new photographer. Photography is about my favorite thing in the whole world, and it is becoming my kids' as well. I will post the shots from today after Brent sees the slide show. I would like for him to see them first.


Danna Ramsey said...

Yeah, when we registered, Jeff was getting bored so we ended up with all kinds of stuff on our registry like fake plants and some enormous panties ...

Tammie's Thoughts said...

Congratulations to Becky!

Becky and Joe said...

Joe agreed with my decision on the froggy tumblers...poor Emily. Maybe we can give her those as a flowergirl gift!