Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The drama of it all...

Tyler is the biggest baby when it comes to pain. He throws the biggest fit when he has a loose tooth and we try to pull it. His two front teeth are loose and one of them already had the new tooth coming in. I have tried to pull it for 3 days, each time holding him down while he kicks and screams. Emily says he screams like a little girl. Tonight he, Brent, and I were on the couch and, just to tease him, I held down his arms and legs and Brent just yanked it out. It was hilarious. Of course it never hurts like he thinks it will, but the whole build up to it is just pure drama. Bless his heart, he almost has as many holes in his mouth as he has teeth!

P.S. Please don't be jealous of his skinny white arms in his muscle pjs.


Jennie said...

He reminds me of certain little girl named Breanna, when it comes to pain and drama.

Anonymous said...

Another sign of your little boy growing up! Love the photos! :-)

Danna Ramsey said...

Oh, Elizabeth, I haven't seen you in 10 years, but I can hear your voice plain as day when I read your blog. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

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Jennifer Floyd said...

Elizabeth - I just found your blog through Shannon's. Your kids are precious!! I look forward to keeping up with you through the wonderful world of blogging!!

Jennifer (Walker) Floyd