Friday, November 9, 2007

It's time for Goldie

Brent and I are not on the same page about warmth needs in the bed. Before I was married, I kept an electric blanket on my bed year-round. I just need to be very warm when I sleep. Then we got married. Brent sleeps in his underwear on top of the covers. We have tried many options. I just froze during the first few years of marriage. Then, I got a heated throw. It was one of the original, very itchy wooly ones, but great anyhow. I would sleep with that on my side of the bed. Then, one glorious night in December, I got under the covers and my side was wonderfully warm without my throw. My darling husband had gotten a heated mattress pad for me for Christmas. It was the greatest thing. We used that for years, but last year, I finally burned it up. They are really costly, and it has never been replaced. But, I got a new updated softer electric throw last year. I named her Goldie. It has been cold enough this week to need Goldie. Let's just hope she holds out all winter!


Jennie said...

Chad and I are the same way. Patterson boys just have weird body temperatures I guess. Chad did buy me an electric blanket several years ago (dual sided of course) and it was awesome!! Unfortuantely it started falling apart last year and we had to throw it away, however, we just got a new, even cozier one this week! I've been loving it...and Chad's been sweating!