Thursday, February 28, 2008

Black Cloud

I feel like we have a black cloud hanging over our house. Sickness is just seeping out the doors and windows. It started a week ago with me getting strep, then flu. The kids got strep early in the week and I actually got to go to work on Wednesday. Then this morning around 1:30, Brent had one of his famous febral seizures. It was actually a very calm one, but scary still. So he was at the Dr. today. His is a viral something or other. He hasn't passed out since this morning, so that is good. I think we are just going to try to get some rest tonight and see how he feels tomorrow. His parents were supposed to come from Nashville tomorrow, but we are postponing our visit until everyone is 100% again. I just feel like our house smells like sick people. I want to open all the windows and doors and just flush this place out! I am so ready for everyone to be better! It is supposed to be a pretty weekend and I am DETERMINED to get out some. I need some fresh air and sunshine, not to mention groceries!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about this, Elizabeth. Praying for a speedy recovery for all of you.

I currently have bronchitis and an ear infection. Ainsley is on an antibiotic for "cloudy" ears and a terrible cough.

I am looking forward to nicer weather so we can air out this house. :-)